Water 4.0 The Past Present and Future of the Worlds

در این انجمن به تصفیه آب در موژ مهندسی بهداشت ایمنی و محیط زیست در مورد بهداشت ایمنی محیط زیست بهداشت محیط مهندسی بهداشت محیط بهداشت حرفه ای تصفیه آب تصفیه فاضلاب جزوه ارشد محیط زیست ایمنی میپردازید.

مدیر انجمن: naderloo

ارسال پست
نمایه کاربر
مدیر کل
مدیر کل
پست: 2793
تاریخ عضویت: 08 نوامبر 2008 00:00
حالت من: Khaste
محل اقامت: تهران

Water 4.0 The Past Present and Future of the Worlds

پست توسط naderloo »

[CENTER]Water 4.0 The Past Present and Future of the Worlds Most Vital Resource
[/CENTER][CENTER]نویسنده: David Sedlak
انتشارات:Yale University Press
ISBN 10:030017649X
ISBN 13:9780300176490[/CENTER][CENTER]

[LEFT]Most of the time we can go about our daily lives without knowing anything about the hidden world of water. Th e miles of pipes that bring water into our homes from distant locations, the treatment plants that ensure the wastes we pour into the sink and fl ush down the toilet don’t pollute the local river, and the network of storm drains that keep the rain from fl ooding our homes continue to operate silently, day and night, whether or not we are aware of their existence. Th ese unsung heroes of modern urban life and the people who run them are happy to stay out of the limelight. Except for periods when major investments are required, there really isn’t much need to understand how water travels in and out of our cities. Unfortunately, it looks like we are approaching one of those periods[/LEFT]
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