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دانلود کتاب:Hazardous Chemicals Handbook

ارسال شده: 16 می 2010 21:30
توسط naderloo
دانلود کتاب:Hazardous Chemicals Handbook
[LEFT]-Over 600 pages of valuable reference material[/LEFT]-Includes information on physiochemical and reactive properties, toxicities and exposure limits, flammability characteristics, monitoring techniques, personal protection and other parameters and requirements relating to compliance
-Summarizes core information for quick reference in the workplace or in transit
In brief
"Every health and safety practitioner should have a copy of this handbook as it is not simply of value to those working in the chemical and related industries, it is also of value to those studying for advanced health and safety qualifications." Safety & Health Practitioner
"Every health and safety practitioner should have a copy of this handbook as it is not simply of value to those working in the chemical and related industries, it is also of value to those studying for advanced health and safety qualifications." Safety & Health Practitioner
The authors' aim with this handbook, is to provide a rapid ready-reference to help in the often complex task of handling, using and disposing of chemicals safely and with minimum risk to people's health or damage to facilities or to the environment.
The book provides look-up data, and concise, clear explanations of general chemical principles, physiochemical and reactive properties, toxicities and exposure limits, flammability characteristics, monitoring techniques, personal protection and other parameters and requirements relating to compliance with designated safe practice, control of risks to people's health and limitation of environmental impact.
Introduction; Terminology; Principles of Chemistry; Physicochemistry; Toxic Chemicals; Flammable Chemicals; Reactive Chemicals; Cryogens and other liquefied gases; Compressed gases; Monitoring Techniques; Radioactive Chemicals; Safety by design; Operating Procedures; Marketing; Transport of Chemicals; Chemicals and the Environment; Monitoring and Protection; Conversion Tables; Bibliography; Index
[LEFT]Readership: Professionals in the chemical industry, health and safety practitioners. Small market for chemical engineering students.

[URL=http://www.mozh.org/download-file-457.html]لینک اصلی:این کتاب را مستقیما از سایت موژ، مهندسي بهداشت، ایمنی و محیط زیست و از این لینک دریافت نمایید

[URL=http://www.dl.mozh.org/files/new/ebook/Hazardous_chemicals.rar]لینک آزاد:این کتاب را به صورت از سایت موژ، مهندسي بهداشت، ایمنی و محیط زیست و از این لینک دریافت نمایید


ارسال شده: 19 ژوئن 2010 12:24
توسط norozmahmody
دوست عزیزم لینک مورد نظر دچار اشکال است و باز نمی شود لطفا بازنگری و اصلاح شود با تشکر

ارسال شده: 19 ژوئن 2010 20:53
توسط naderloo
لینک اصلاح گردید

ارسال شده: 08 ژانویه 2011 16:08
توسط Ebrahim Parsa
تصویرجناب آقای ندرلو پسورد این تاپیک هیچ کدام از آدرس ها ی گفته شده نمی باشد. لطفا پسورد مربوطه را در لینک مربوطه قرار دهید.

ارسال شده: 08 ژانویه 2011 20:56
توسط naderloo
سلام، ضمن تشکر دوست گرامی لینک اصلاح شد لذا مجددا سعی نمایید در ضمن فایل مذکور از محدودیت خارج شده و جهت استفاده دوستان تبدیل به لینک آزاد میگردد.